Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Scene 1+2

Scene 1: Palpitoad's layer.
Palpitoad is in his layer alone watching Team Adventure on his orb screen.

Palpitoad: Stupid,Stupid little Team Adventure (Growls) so small,so weak,so pathetic! Shouldn't even be a team!

Klinglang: (enters) Location of Team Adventure aquired,sir

Palpitoad: (turns to Klinglang) Where? Where are they?

Klinglang: Entering Overbed Forest,sir

Palpitoad: Good work Kling (Turn to the door) Venipede! Buffalaunt!

Venipede + Buffalaunt: Here sir

Palpitoad: Go to Overbed Forest,Hide in Crease Mansion and scare Team Adventure out of it

Venipede: They won't ever return to the forest!

Palpitoad: Good,go with Kling for details (Both follow Klinglang out the door) Maybe that will get rid of them (Looks at the orb screen again) Bye Team Adventure!

Scene 2: Entrance of Overbed Forest.
Team Adventure are about to explore Overbed forest which has a huge abondoned mansion near the centre appreantly haunted.

Blizale: Here we are,Overbed Forest

Lillipup: Emm...it looks darker than I expected...

Joltik: Don't worry its going to be fine (Steps forward) Lets go in

Solosis: Just let me check we have everything (Looks in bag) Yep all we need

Joltik: Oh by the way, we might have to stay in Crease Mansion tonight

Lillipup: What?! Its haunted!

Blizale: You can sleep outside then, you scaredy! (run in to the forest)

Joltik: Come on (Joltik and Solosis follow)

Lillipup: (sighs) Guess I'm staying in haunted mansion tonight

Team Fight

L to R:Back line: Klinglang,Venipede. Middle line: Beartic,Buffalaunt. Front: Palpitoad

Team Adventure

L to R: Back:Blitzale,Solosis,Lillipup Front:Joltik

My new play characters

I finally finished writing my first scene of the play and I have all the characters planed out but first here is what the play is about:

Team Fight run by Palpitoad are an evil team who are enemys with Team Adventure led by Joltik. They hate the adventure team and are always trying to stop them on their exploreation. Team Adventure meet some new friends and become bigger than Team Fight. But are larger numbers better than stronger pokemon?

Team Fight:
Second Captin:Beartic
Other team members:Buffalaunt,Venipede,Klinglang

Team Adventure:
Second Captin:Blitzale
Other team members:Lillipup,Solosis


Sorry I got bored with that story but I will put up a new one and I will finish it! Well I was thinking of a play maybe based on pokémon. I will try my best to get photos but its hard. My next post will be the start of it until then happy reading.