Thursday, September 19, 2013

Cassidy cat: Welcome page and charaters

Welcome to Feliville or cat town. Its home to many cats alike and different. I will write the 'tails' of a cat unlike the rest and her name is Cassidy Cat. She lives in an estate called Crocfield Manor where almost every house has a cat. Cassidy is friends with two cats who live beside her. They are called Speckle and Daisy.
Even Cassidy's colours are unusual. She has grayish white fur and deep green eyes. Her tail looks as if some one got a black pen and scribbled all over it. Speckle is bright grey with almost 'shaded in' parts across his body. He has yellowy green eyes and wears a blue bow around his neck. Daisy is tortoiseshell with a pure black tail. She has beautiful light blue eyes and wears a miniature sunflower around her left ear.
Blodge is a new kitten who is pure white with about five jet black dots randomly spread about his body. He gets up to all sorts of mischief  in the stories and first arrives in the story "Krazy Kitten".
Hope you enjoy the stories of Cassidy Cat yet to come.

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