Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cassidy Cat

                                       Krazy Kitten

    Cassidy was comfortably sleeping on her cat cushion on a Wednesday evening. The light of the sunset streamed through the window and woke her. She stretched and sat up with her eyes closed. Every Wednesday and Saturday night Cassidy,Speckle and Daisy met up in the large green in front of their houses. They chatted and gossiped about the recent news and usually went off walking somewhere. They still each other on other days but by agreeing to the meetings it meant they always saw everyone at least twice a week. Sometimes other cats found out about their meetings and they had to change them but it hadn't happen for a long time. Cassidy jumped down off the unit where her cushion sat and wandered into the kitchen. She pushed open the half closed utility door and went out the cat flap at the back door. It was getting dark quickly. She crawled through the hole in the bottom of the gate and walked along down the driveway. She looked up and down the road then crossed over to the green.
     Speckle was sitting on a large,flat rock washing himself as he waited. "Hello,Cass" He called. "Hey" she replied sitting in front of him. Speckle pulled at his bow so he could wash under it. "Did you see Daisy around?" He asked not looking up. "Emm....No" She said scratching at a tuft of grass. "Alright" He mewed licking his paws. Cassidy too began washing herself as they waited for Daisy. After a few minutes a cat shape began running towards them. "Sorry I'm late" flustered Daisy as she sat beside them. "Where were you?" Asked Speckle looking up to face her. "Well that's it,my only piece of gossip" she mewed flatting down her fur,which was all over the place. "Tell us,I can almost guarantee it way more interesting than mine" Cassidy said. "Well...." Daisy looked around "OK" The two cats leaned in closer. "There's this new cat-" "A new cat!" exclaimed Speckle. "Yes,a kitten actually. He moved in the house two from me,you know the one nobody has lived in for ages?" Daisy told them. "Yeah,number 19" Cassidy replied. "Well since there's no cat in number 18 and 20 has ol' Dexter so I'm his closest neighbour" "Oh yeah after 20 is a good while over the other side of the road and he's too young to walk that far" Speckle agreed. " How does this make you late exactly?" Cassidy asked. "I can't get that tick of my tail!" she complained. "Don't know how I lost him" "Hey" a voice mewed. Suddenly a pure white kitten fell from a tree. "Ouch!" It stood up and shook its self. " I'm not a tick!"
      "What are you doing here?" asked Daisy "What are you doing here?" the kitten repeated. The kitten suddenly realised he wasn't alone with Daisy and that two other cats were behind her. He stepped back. "Watching you" He answered. "Why are you here and these cats here alone at midnight,its suspicious" "Hi,I'm Cassidy from number 16 and your name is?" Cassidy butted in leaping in front of Daisy. The kitten suddenly lit up and smiled. "I'm Blodge from 19,who is the other cat?" He replied. Speckle came forward to face the kitten. "I am Speckle from 15" He said. "And of course you know Daisy from 17" Cassidy added. "Yeah, sorry about that Daisy I just wanted a friend" He mewed apologetically. "I'm over it,sorry about calling you at tick" Daisy told them. "Its fine,so" He turned to Cassidy who he assumed knew the most "Tell me about this place" So they spend the night on about the cats and gossip of Crocfield manor. Blodge also told them about where he came from. It was a town called Redfield according to him it was really far from Feliville and had very little cats and lots of dogs instead. He was born on a farm grew up learning to cope on a farm not in an estate. He was then adopted and taken to a place he only went once ever before he left for his new home. After he told his story everybody had a story to tell about where they were from and how they got here. Speckle was born in an estate like Crocfield but much bigger. It was in Crystalsea which was quite close to Feliville. He said he didn't even know he was travelling and next thing he arrived. Daisy was born in Welvin but they moved almost straight away to Baywald which was right beside Feliville until she was adopted and brought to Crocfield. Cassidy was born in Feliville in a small cottage in the country she and her brother Comet were adopted by sisters and taken to Crocfield. Comet lived way up in near number 30 so they didn't see each other much anymore. After the night of history they all went home or else where. "I can't wait to see that Krazy Kitten again on Saturday" Cassidy thought smiling as she walked home.

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