Monday, June 17, 2013

The cats of Shadyville

                                            Chapter 2

                                             A brand new home

             Spice was following Honeycomb though the Shadyville. The two were chatting happily about village and its cats. "Here we are,my home"Honeycomb announced "Come around the back" She walked after him and noticed the large grass of the garden. "Do you hunt? This garden is a great hunting ground" asked Spice. "I did when I was younger but not nowadays" He replied "Why?" "Oh,just wondering" She mewed following he into the house. "This where I like to sleep you can sleep anywhere the owners won't mind" He explained. "Honeycomb"called a voice "Come on,I'll introduce you". As Honeycomb had said Spice was warmly welcomed in to her new home.
              "I was exploring the other day and I discovered this really cool thing" Sweep told her brother Jet. "What kind of thing?,you have different thoughts on whats cool that I do" Jet warned. "It is actually cool,Speckle thinks so" She pointed out. "Fine show me" He muttered. "OK,take the stem of the tree with a purple branch,like this one",She stopped to pick of a stem,"Now scratch away the outer layer until you get to the green bit",she scratched the stem,"Now eat it" "Eat it!!"Exclaimed Jet "In case you forgot we cats are carnivores we don't eat plants"He said in a dumb voice. "Come on try it,Please!!"She begged. "Grrrr,Fine" He growled closing his eyes and biting in to it. "So,what does it taste like?"She asked. "Juicy,very juicy"He explained "Wow I'm not thirsty at all,I kinda was but not now,fine that is cool" He admitted. "Told ya,Oh here's my house,bye Jet" Mewed Sweep."Bye" Replied Jet

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The cats of Shadyville

                                            Chapter 1

                                                Spice comes to town

              Spice had left home. A stupid little brat of a kitten had taken over the house. Was she going to stay and put up with it? Of course not! She'd put up with children,loud noises and a dog but a kitten was too far. Spice had heard of a lovely little village nearby apparently full of cats. None of them feral or wild. She had been traveling all night though a forest only now had she picked up the scent of cat. Probably a tom as the same scent was spread all over the place. Then she saw the bright lights of the street. She was here at last. 
                Honeycomb couldn't wait to get home. It was too cold to have a meeting in the forest. He was wandering though the trees when her got a strange scent. It wasn't like any of the other cats in the village. Had a feral cat come though the forest and into Shadyville? We have a reputation no feral or wild cats here. This cat will suffer for entering our village.As he exited the forest the scent became stronger. Suddenly he saw a swish of a tail there's our intruder. "Hey you,stop right there" He hissed. "Who's there? I'm not a feral cat honestly even smell me"The cat replied. "Hmm,you're clean,lucky" Sniffed Honeycomb "So why are you here? You aren't from Shadyville" " I left home" Spice mewed. "Well,welcome to Shadyville I'm Honeycomb and you are?" Asked Honeycomb. "Spice" She told him. "Come with me Spice I'll give you a nice new home,my folks won't mind" Honeycomb offered. "One thing do they have children?" Spice asked. "No,no kids,other pets and plenty of food purrfect" Honeycomb reassured. "Great!" Spice meowed following the ginger tom down the street.

The cats of Shadyville :Character profiles

Here are the profiles of the characters in my next story called The cats of Shadyville.

Leopard: Brown with black circle outlines,loves to roam and explore, 2 years old,male

Cloudy: White with fluffy fur,a stay at home cat doesn't roam far,10 years old,female

Speckle: Tabby cat,guards her home but doesn't go any further,4 year old,female

Jet: Pure black fur,Quite the fighter and guards home constantly,4 years old,male

Spice: Tortoiseshell,runaway cat left home at 3 and lives with Honeycomb,8 year old,female

Honeycomb: Ginger with white paws,living with his owner for his life,8 years old,male

Lia: Light grey cat,heads up to the local farm to hunt each day,3 years old,female

Sweep: Black and white fur,sister of Jet and loves to explore,5 years old,female

Pixie: Grey with black flecks,cute kitten who lives near the beach,10 months old,female

RaRa:  White with black blotches,farm cat who's great friends with Lia,3 years old,male

Mittens: Black with white paws,lives on the farm with RaRa,1 year old,female

Klaus: Ginger and white cat,ultimate hunter and travels miles from his home,6 years old,male
Klaus with his catch of the day
Sweep keeping watch                                                  Cloudy goes for a stroll

Can't wait to start the story. Hope it looks interesting :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Little Kitten

My first story is a short story about a little kitten's adventure. Here it is.

                                          Little Kitten

A cute little kitten wakes up in the morning. Awake and ready for an adventure. What is this cute little kitten's name? Pixie. She has beautiful grey fur with little black flecks. A cute black nose and brilliant brown eyes. When outside she's fierce,adventurous and brave but when inside she's furry,cute and lovable. Pixie is a purrfect pet. When she'd eaten her breakfast and licked herself clean the little grey kitten jumped over the wall. She landed on the stones she always landed on but today she was going a different way. Her mother always said "My little kits be careful in the beach caves keep well away until your at least two". Pixie couldn't  care she was curious to explore. In minutes sand appeared between the stones the beach caves were close. Suddenly all went dark. She couldn't see a thing. "I must have walked inside the caves without noticing" she thought. She walked on looking up and down for some light. Then the sand under her paws disappeared,the whole place went pitch black. Pixie shivered. She was becoming afraid of the caves. In her head she is an adventurous cat but really she only a little kitten. She froze. "Help I'm trapped" She mewed. She shouted again for another few minutes and then listened for a reply. Everything was silent then a loud creaking noise rent the cave. Pixie was scared,very scared,more scared than she would let herself believe. "CREEEEEEE"  "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" Pixie turned and ran. She ran faster than she'd ever ran. All the way out of the darkness. She sat eyes closed,panting,out of the cave. The little kitten ran across the stones,jumped over the wall and arrived home. She was tired,shocked and hungry. Luckily she was safe. She curled up on the white cushion beside the yellow wall and went to sleep. What the little kitten didn't know was that the 'cave' she went in to was just a large log in front of the caves. It scared her so much that she never returned,never found out and probably won't.

Welcome to the Storybook/An sceal

Welcome this is my story blog,read kids stories free of charge here on the Storybook/ An sceal. If you wish to read this blog in another language simply click the translate button on the left. Most of the stories our my orignal stories but some are by real authors and some by random people I know. So lets get storybooking!!!