Thursday, June 13, 2013

Little Kitten

My first story is a short story about a little kitten's adventure. Here it is.

                                          Little Kitten

A cute little kitten wakes up in the morning. Awake and ready for an adventure. What is this cute little kitten's name? Pixie. She has beautiful grey fur with little black flecks. A cute black nose and brilliant brown eyes. When outside she's fierce,adventurous and brave but when inside she's furry,cute and lovable. Pixie is a purrfect pet. When she'd eaten her breakfast and licked herself clean the little grey kitten jumped over the wall. She landed on the stones she always landed on but today she was going a different way. Her mother always said "My little kits be careful in the beach caves keep well away until your at least two". Pixie couldn't  care she was curious to explore. In minutes sand appeared between the stones the beach caves were close. Suddenly all went dark. She couldn't see a thing. "I must have walked inside the caves without noticing" she thought. She walked on looking up and down for some light. Then the sand under her paws disappeared,the whole place went pitch black. Pixie shivered. She was becoming afraid of the caves. In her head she is an adventurous cat but really she only a little kitten. She froze. "Help I'm trapped" She mewed. She shouted again for another few minutes and then listened for a reply. Everything was silent then a loud creaking noise rent the cave. Pixie was scared,very scared,more scared than she would let herself believe. "CREEEEEEE"  "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" Pixie turned and ran. She ran faster than she'd ever ran. All the way out of the darkness. She sat eyes closed,panting,out of the cave. The little kitten ran across the stones,jumped over the wall and arrived home. She was tired,shocked and hungry. Luckily she was safe. She curled up on the white cushion beside the yellow wall and went to sleep. What the little kitten didn't know was that the 'cave' she went in to was just a large log in front of the caves. It scared her so much that she never returned,never found out and probably won't.

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