Saturday, June 15, 2013

The cats of Shadyville

                                            Chapter 1

                                                Spice comes to town

              Spice had left home. A stupid little brat of a kitten had taken over the house. Was she going to stay and put up with it? Of course not! She'd put up with children,loud noises and a dog but a kitten was too far. Spice had heard of a lovely little village nearby apparently full of cats. None of them feral or wild. She had been traveling all night though a forest only now had she picked up the scent of cat. Probably a tom as the same scent was spread all over the place. Then she saw the bright lights of the street. She was here at last. 
                Honeycomb couldn't wait to get home. It was too cold to have a meeting in the forest. He was wandering though the trees when her got a strange scent. It wasn't like any of the other cats in the village. Had a feral cat come though the forest and into Shadyville? We have a reputation no feral or wild cats here. This cat will suffer for entering our village.As he exited the forest the scent became stronger. Suddenly he saw a swish of a tail there's our intruder. "Hey you,stop right there" He hissed. "Who's there? I'm not a feral cat honestly even smell me"The cat replied. "Hmm,you're clean,lucky" Sniffed Honeycomb "So why are you here? You aren't from Shadyville" " I left home" Spice mewed. "Well,welcome to Shadyville I'm Honeycomb and you are?" Asked Honeycomb. "Spice" She told him. "Come with me Spice I'll give you a nice new home,my folks won't mind" Honeycomb offered. "One thing do they have children?" Spice asked. "No,no kids,other pets and plenty of food purrfect" Honeycomb reassured. "Great!" Spice meowed following the ginger tom down the street.

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