Saturday, June 15, 2013

The cats of Shadyville :Character profiles

Here are the profiles of the characters in my next story called The cats of Shadyville.

Leopard: Brown with black circle outlines,loves to roam and explore, 2 years old,male

Cloudy: White with fluffy fur,a stay at home cat doesn't roam far,10 years old,female

Speckle: Tabby cat,guards her home but doesn't go any further,4 year old,female

Jet: Pure black fur,Quite the fighter and guards home constantly,4 years old,male

Spice: Tortoiseshell,runaway cat left home at 3 and lives with Honeycomb,8 year old,female

Honeycomb: Ginger with white paws,living with his owner for his life,8 years old,male

Lia: Light grey cat,heads up to the local farm to hunt each day,3 years old,female

Sweep: Black and white fur,sister of Jet and loves to explore,5 years old,female

Pixie: Grey with black flecks,cute kitten who lives near the beach,10 months old,female

RaRa:  White with black blotches,farm cat who's great friends with Lia,3 years old,male

Mittens: Black with white paws,lives on the farm with RaRa,1 year old,female

Klaus: Ginger and white cat,ultimate hunter and travels miles from his home,6 years old,male
Klaus with his catch of the day
Sweep keeping watch                                                  Cloudy goes for a stroll

Can't wait to start the story. Hope it looks interesting :)

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