Monday, June 17, 2013

The cats of Shadyville

                                            Chapter 2

                                             A brand new home

             Spice was following Honeycomb though the Shadyville. The two were chatting happily about village and its cats. "Here we are,my home"Honeycomb announced "Come around the back" She walked after him and noticed the large grass of the garden. "Do you hunt? This garden is a great hunting ground" asked Spice. "I did when I was younger but not nowadays" He replied "Why?" "Oh,just wondering" She mewed following he into the house. "This where I like to sleep you can sleep anywhere the owners won't mind" He explained. "Honeycomb"called a voice "Come on,I'll introduce you". As Honeycomb had said Spice was warmly welcomed in to her new home.
              "I was exploring the other day and I discovered this really cool thing" Sweep told her brother Jet. "What kind of thing?,you have different thoughts on whats cool that I do" Jet warned. "It is actually cool,Speckle thinks so" She pointed out. "Fine show me" He muttered. "OK,take the stem of the tree with a purple branch,like this one",She stopped to pick of a stem,"Now scratch away the outer layer until you get to the green bit",she scratched the stem,"Now eat it" "Eat it!!"Exclaimed Jet "In case you forgot we cats are carnivores we don't eat plants"He said in a dumb voice. "Come on try it,Please!!"She begged. "Grrrr,Fine" He growled closing his eyes and biting in to it. "So,what does it taste like?"She asked. "Juicy,very juicy"He explained "Wow I'm not thirsty at all,I kinda was but not now,fine that is cool" He admitted. "Told ya,Oh here's my house,bye Jet" Mewed Sweep."Bye" Replied Jet

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